Tips for Maximizing Team Morale During Rough Patches
In times of difficulty, high team morale can imbue the workplace with dynamism, energy, and enthusiasm, while low morale leads to unhappiness, decreased confidence, and an energy drain. It takes effective leadership skills to keep morale positive in the midst of rough patches. Here are some tips that will help you accomplish this.
Cultivate Purposefulness
Imbuing employees with a sense of purpose is a great way to build team morale. Help each member understand how their contribution is an integral aspect of your company's overall success. Share the testimony of how the business began and the obstacles that were overcome in making it what it is today.
Communicate Effectively
Transparency and clear communication are the keys to good team morale. Keep your employees updated on important company news, and solicit feedback on how to improve performance and create a better workplace atmosphere.
Encourage Flexibility
Flexibility in scheduling can not only improve morale but also increase productivity. Offer your employees the option of flexible working hours so that they can in turn give you optimum performance. If possible, provide them with the possibility of working remotely so they can avoid the stress of commuting and care for loved ones in distress.
Set Goals
Although short term goals can be shifted as milestones are met and surpassed, long term company goals should remain fixed. The consistency of goals to strive for helps to boost team morale. You can also create goals purely for inspiration that you can strive to reach them together. For instance, you can distribute gym passes and all commit to a healthier lifestyle.
Have Fun
Increase team morale by celebrating the minor and major victories that you win together. Acknowledge accomplishments with congratulations and special treats such as group lunches. However, during difficult times don't always wait for successful outcomes to have fun. Instead, schedule games at the office for no other reason than morale-boosting.
For more advice on maximizing team morale during tough times, contact Evolt Capital.